Fèis Bheag
£3.50 per Fèis date
You are booking Fèis Bheag workshops.
All workshops are for the child named in the form below. The child must be under 7 on the dates booked.
- Tick the workshops you wish to book.
- Complete the form
- Add to basket
You are booking for one child who must be under 7 on the dates booked.
- Tick the workshop sessions you wish to book.
- Type the name of the child in the text box provided. If you are booking several products please be consistent across the order.
- From the age dropdown, select the age the child. Your child should be seven on the day of the workshop.
- If the participant has special dietary, access or health-related requirements please leave the special requirement box ticked. IMPORTANT: Please ensure Feis Admin has correct, current information for the named child.
- The final text box is for anything you need to tell us about this booking.
Click on the Book button to add this group of sessions to your cart.
IMPORTANT: Items added to your cart will expire after 45 minutes. This is to prevent people accidentally blocking other bookings by leaving an unpaid cart open in their browser.
All bookings are initially provisional subject to confirmation by Feis admin. It may be necessary to rearrange bookings or adjust session times due to changes in instructor availability.
By booking this product you are agreeing to our Terms & Conditions.